August is a great month for astrophotography, with a number of exciting events to capture. Here are a few of the highlights:
The first full moon of August is known as the Sturgeon Moon, and it will be a supermoon, meaning that it will be slightly larger and brighter than usual. This is a great opportunity to capture the moon in all its glory.
The Milky Way window is a period of time when the Milky Way is visible in the night sky. This happens when the moon is not too bright, so that it does not wash out the stars. The Milky Way window in August is particularly good, as the moon will be at its new phase on August 16.
The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most popular meteor showers of the year. It is active from July 17 to August 24, but the peak viewing period is on August 12-13. During this time, you can expect to see up to 100 meteors per hour.
These are just a few of the astrophotography events happening in August 2023. With so much to see, it’s a great month to get out and stargaze.
The final astrophotography event of August is the Blue Supermoon on August 30. This is a rare event, as it occurs when there are two full moons in the same month, and the second full moon is also a supermoon. The Blue Supermoon will be the closest and brightest full supermoon of the year, so it’s a great opportunity to capture this amazing sight.
If you’re planning on doing some astrophotography in August, here are a few tips to help you get the best results:
With a little planning and practice, you can capture some amazing astrophotography images in August. Here are some of my favorite astrophotography photographs!